Posture is one of those things we often forget about, that is, until somebody or something reminds us to straighten up. For most of us, we are not born with bad posture, it is something we learn, that eventually becomes habit. Luckily, habits can be broken! Posture is vitally important in all aspects of life, whether it be watching television, working out at the gym, sitting at your work station or participating in sport – it is the basis from which our bodies operate.
When poor posture sets in, the bones, muscles, joints and ligaments all take on more stress and strain than what was intended for them. This can lead to fatigue as your muscles have to work harder; this can then lead to soreness caused by muscle fatigue, and ultimately can decrease the range of motion available in your joints, leading to stiffness.
Brügger’s Relief Position
The good news is it’s not too late to improve your posture. By committing to the simple exercise set out below, you will not only boost your confidence but also your breathing, circulation and digestion. It is also an excellent tool for balancing out your muscles.
The best news is it can be performed either sitting at your desk or standing on the work floor. This technique must be done every 20-30 minutes to be at its most effective. So set an alarm, keep an eye on the clock, and look forward to improved posture in no time.
- Sitting on the edge of your chair, perching on the end
- Hold your head up high
- Spread your legs slightly apart to the sides
- Turn your legs/feet outward slightly
- Rest your weight on your legs and feet evenly
- Relax your abdominal muscles whilst drawing your belly in slightly toward your spine
- Tilt your pelvis forward and raise your breastbone up
- Keeping your shoulders down, turn your hands so your palms are facing outwards
- Turn your arms slightly further outward and spread your fingers apart
- Add in a slight head nod
- Hold this position and take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth for 10 seconds
- Stand tall and proud with your head held high
- Spread your legs slightly apart to the sides
- Turn your feet outward slightly
- Draw your belly in slightly toward your spine
- Tilt your pelvis forward and raise your breastbone up
- Keeping your shoulders down, turn your hands so your palms are facing outwards
- Turn your arms slightly further outward with your arms somewhat raised from your sides
- Add in a slight head nod
- Hold this position and take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth for 10 seconds
Once you have performed this exercise on a regular basis it should become second nature, so much so that when you slouch, you will find this to be more uncomfortable than sitting or standing straight!